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Are You Getting Enough Rest?

Over time, we have learned the best workout routines both in the gym and at-home. We have tried many kinds of diets to find out what works best for our body. We have even started speaking up about our mental health. Now it is time to start understanding the importance of a good night’s rest to our physical and mental health.

Sleep balances your other health initiatives in the following ways:

  • Sleeping is an integral part of a good workout routine because it aids in the recovery process.
  • Your muscles will have a chance to repair and build during your sleep cycle.
  • A good night’s rest also will help you conserve energy, making you less tired throughout the day.
  • Sleep is important to a healthy diet because it will help prevent excess weight gain and foster a healthy metabolism.

The average adult should be getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Unfortunately, many are affected by abnormal sleep patterns. Today, roughly 50-70 million Americans are suffering from a sleeping disorder. Also, almost forty percent of people from ages 20-59 suffer from short sleep durations. While others note having issues either falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.

Mineral Deficiencies Related to Sleep

Magnesium Deficiency – Trouble Falling Asleep

Sleep deprivation can lead to many health issues if left untreated. Numerous studies have shown that magnesium deficiency and difficulty sleeping are correlated.

Magnesium plays a huge role in the body’s day-to-day function including supporting the immune system, controlling body movements, nerve transduction, and nerve impulses and relaxation. It is a powerful natural relaxer – relieving tension and relaxing nerves. A deficiency in Magnesium could cause physical discomfort, increase stress levels, and affect your sleeping patterns negatively.

Calcium Deficiency – Sleep Interruptions

A calcium deficiency can be a major player in sleep interruptions. Sleep interruptions affect the REM cycle and will result in a non-restorative sleep. If you are continuously suffering from interrupted sleep you may find yourself feeling extremely tired and irritable throughout the day.

Calcium serves your body by promoting healthy heart function, body-fat ratio and stress levels. Further, it plays a vital role in melatonin production by working closely with tryptophan. Studies have shown that bringing calcium levels to a normal level significantly increased the quality of sleep of participants. They were able to have complete REM cycles throughout the night, allowing for restorative sleep.

Iron Deficiency – Sleep Disturbance and Fatigue

Iron plays a huge role in the formation of red blood cells throughout the body. Red blood cells are important as they transport oxygen throughout your body. If you are iron deficient it is likely that there are parts of your body not getting enough oxygen, this can lead to severe fatigue throughout the day. If the brain is not getting enough oxygen it can lead to anxious thoughts that may make it hard to fall asleep when it comes time for you to do that at the end of the day.

Iron also plays a role in the actions of neurotransmitters such as dopamine – low iron levels can lead to low dopamine levels further hindering a restful, uninterrupted sleep throughout the night.

Potassium Deficiency – Trouble Staying Asleep

Potassium can help maintain a healthy heart and muscles and support joint health. Potassium deficiencies can lead to muscle spasms and fatigue. Many of these things can disrupt your sleep throughout the night and potentially lead to other concerns over time.

If you think you might be victim to getting not enough rest, it could be time to talk to your doctor about your vitamin and mineral levels to see if there is a correlation or consider taking a mineral hair analysis test to identify any potential nutrient concerns.

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